Welcome to BharatPreneurs

Empowering Indian SME's & For Stronger Economy

We are organising this Event to bring together professionals, MSME & SME Owners, Investors and thought leaders from various sectors to share knowledge, insights, Networking and foster meaningful connections. The event will feature an exciting lineup of speakers, panel discussions, interactive workshops, networking opportunities, and great media presence.

team meeting

Event Overview

person graphic

Focus on B2B Support System


500 + SME's from across India

Supporting Indian SMEs and the economy

Commitment to corporate social responsibility (CSR)

Three Major Exhibition Areas

Bharatpreneurs features three major exhibition areas, each focusing on a specific segment of the B2B support system. These areas provide a platform for companies to showcase their products and services, fostering connections with SMEs seeking support in these domains.

Marketing and Media Support

Advertising,PR, Digital Marketing

Finance and Banking Support

Funding,lnvestment, Financial Services

Technology and Operation Support

Operations Management, Automation, IT Solutions

Event Goals

Timeline for the Event

  • Delhi

  • Gujrat

  • Mumbai

  • Banglore

Coustomized Sponsorship Proposal

Logo Visibility - Inclusion of sponsor's logo on event signage

Access to Networking - Invitation to key networking events in the chosen city.

Exhibition Space - Standard exhibition space with good visibility in the chosen city.

Social Media Mentions - Recognition in social media posts leading up to and during the event in the selected city.